Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I got rid of the chapters from my novel. I don't really think anyone was reading them anyway and they just took up too much space. If there is someone out there in the vast, murky, internet landscape who actually was interested, drop me a line and I'll send you the rest of the story. For the most part, I think anyone who wanders through here knows me already and has likely already read it.

We should probably catch up. I was offered a new job recently (bigger company, a little more money) and turned it down at the last possible moment to remain here in the basement. The new place wasn't going to allow me to have coffee at my desk. That was a deal-breaker for me. There were other factors as well, but suffice to say that the grass isn't always greener, and I've gained a new appreciation for what I have here.

Jadyn has been very up and down lately with the MS. Mostly down these last few weeks. The new doctor has turned out to be pretty great, though, so that's a good thing. Jadyn finished up a course of steroids right before Christmas that was supposed to allay the symptoms she'd been having, but it doesn't seem to have had an effect so far. Maybe it will yet. In the meantime, she's in the process of getting approval from her insurance company to be her doctor's first patient to get the new wonder-drug for MS. I have high hopes that it will be helpful for Jadyn, and also some fears because it's such a new thing.

I love Jadyn.

I worry for her. I hate that I don't own a magic wand so I could get rid of the MS.

It sucks.

What else is going on? Nate worked at Toys-R-Us over Christmas and they're keeping him on full-time. He'll do that until he gets something arranged as far as school. He seems to be making friends and finding lots to keep him busy up here in the frozen northland, but he still misses his friends and girlfriend in the south and is planning a trip in the near future. I think it's likely he'll end up going to school down there.

And speaking of school, PB has had a whole host of problems with kindergarten this year. It's a long story, but the upshot is that the local public school system is failing him and his mother has contacted a lawyer. In the meantime, he's switched schools for the remainder of the year. The thing that sucks most about all of this is that he was SO excited about starting kindergarten and so eager to learn. He's a very bright kid, but he's learning not to like school. I think I'll write more about this, maybe tomorrow, because like I said, it's a long story, but maybe one worth hashing out here in blogland.

So that's my rambling for the New Year. My resolutions? To help Jadyn stay on schedule with her MS medicine, to buy groceries instead of eating out all the time (bad for the budget, bad for the size of my ass), and to be more the strong woman that I know I am.

Oh...and to blog more often. :)

Anyone else make any good ones?