Friday, January 12, 2007

It appears that there is another MASS in my life. This one is small and isn't as scary as the other MASS. It's in my right breast and my doctor says it feels exactly like a fiber adenoma. I'm off to get mammogrammed in the very near future to rule out anything scary, but for the most part, I'm not too worried.

This process has taught me something about my girlfriend, Kevyn (let me interject here that she chose her own psuedonym and it's not nearly as girly as she is). I learned that Kevyn will say anything.

Some background: I have been having an odd little 'twinge' sort of pain in my right breast for a couple of weeks - infrequent and not particularly bad. I wasn't too worried about it, but made a doctor's appointment just in case. The morning of the appointment, Kevyn mentioned to me that she'd felt 'something' when she'd touched my breast a few days ago. She hadn't mentioned it at the time because she's aware of my tendency to panic and obsess.

Fast forward to my appointment: We mention to the doctor that Kevyn had felt 'something' in my right breast. The doctor examines my breasts, then asks Kevyn to come over to the table and see if she can locate whatever it was she'd felt before. Kevyn comes to the table, lifts her hands towards my breast...hesitates...then says, "well, actually...I found it with my tongue."

Suffice to say that she used her hands to locate the problem area and that although I did not die of embarassment, I was criticially wounded. I'm feeling much better now.