Friday, September 20, 2002

I love a good story. I love hearing them and I love telling them. Sometimes I think going through unpleasant experiences is almost worthwhile if you come out of it with a good story to tell. So I plan to tell stories here. Some of them will be my stories -- things which I've seen or experienced, some of them will be stories that others have told me, and probably I'll end up telling stories that I heard somewhere out in the world and which I thought were cool. This isn't going to be all uplifting or humorous stuff, although probably some of it will be. At least some of it will be humorous -- uplifting I'm not so sure about.

Basic facts about me just to give some background: I'm 38, a lesbian/mom/artist type person living in the deep south amongst the Baptists and Republicans. I come from people who if they aren't exactly poor white trash, aren't too far removed from that. I was freakishly smart as a kid and somehow grew into something of an underachiever as an adult. So that's who I am. More or less. I left out a lot of traits -- a lot of good ones, but I don't think all that's really necessary anyway.

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