Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Odds and Ends:

It seems like 9 times out of 10 when I visit my little fish bowl, I can't see my picture -- just a little placeholder where it ought to be. So what I'm wondering is can anyone else see it? And if not, you should be able to see it if you click on the website link on my profile. It's the portrait in the upper right hand corner of the page. One of these days I'm going to get one of those cool websites where you can click for a high res image of my paintings and really see them well, but for now...well, I'm still kind of a rookie.

And...I'm wondering how many times I'll have to post before that little line on my profile that gives my average weekly posts will read 1 instead of 0. I guess that's what happens when you go an entire year without posting.

Also...still haven't started the Effexor, although I've given it more serious thought these past few days. I think PMS has arrived though, so I'm going to try to wait that out and see if time cures me. I'm still mulling the comment someone posted on here regarding chemicals not being able to change my soul. It does seem like there is, or should be, some fundamental part of ME that is and always will be ME...but what about cases like that guy who got a spike through his head and his entire personality changed afterwards? (Read all about it --> http://www.deakin.edu.au/hbs/GAGEPAGE/) You can't deny that your wiring and your chemicals play a big part in who you are.

Sigh. It's probably just that I don't like to take pills. I don't even like to take an aspirin. I'll walk around all day with a headache until someone makes me take an aspirin, but I always feel so much better after I've had one. And I'm taking two pills for my blood pressure right now already. I hate to add something else to the mix.

I also hate feeling crappy.

Do you think it's possible to just resolve to be happy?

Alright then. I never meant to have one of those chatting about my life kind of blogs...I wanted to tell stories, so even though I probably won't stop pondering about my day to day stuff...here are the stories I'm incubating: The Thanksgiving We Checked Mom Into the Nuthouse, and How Jadyn Became Known as The Virgin and Made Her Karoake Debut All in The Same Night, and The Time PB Gave Himself A Haircut, and The Time Jadyn's Sister Got a Speeding Ticket. Just haven't decided which thing to do first. Suggestions are welcome. Which isn't to say I won't totally disregard them.


Anonymous said...

Yes! It is possible to resolve to be happy! (this from the Queen of the Ferrari's!)

POD people do exist! I believe it!

You? A rookie? NOT!

PMS is a bi&^h. (and you can tell her I said so too)

Repeat after me silly....Medicine good! Crappy Bad.

Especially if it is preventable! Who wants to live in pain? Please!

Skip the virgin ordeal - I'm trying to live that down, thank you. The sissy story might be interesting concocted by you. :)


Anonymous said...

Do what you love to do. Feel every moment as a precious thing. Tap into the love and joy around you and in you. Laugh. Resolve to let go of the fear that grips you, or at least loosen its suffocating hold. Leap before you look. That's how you can resolve to be happy. While you learn how to do all that, pills can help. You can always stop taking them if they don't.

Anonymous said...

I've taken Effexor and it helped me through a rough patch awhile back. I got of it after some time and haven't had any after affects really. So I think it's a pretty OK drug as drugs go.