Monday, October 10, 2005

For L --
Real; Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence.

But I guess it was more the perception of reality I was talking about the other day. The wholly unobjective FEELING that a situation is or isn't actually occurring. And not so much in the way things sometimes feel unreal when you're very stressed, but a more general feeling. Like when you wake from a dream and it seems almost like the dream was more real than the bit where you got up and brushed your teeth and headed out for work. Don't you ever have moments when you know the aliens will be here any minute to tell you that the test is over now, you passed, and you can come home?

If not...well...nevermind. I'll see about getting my medication adjusted and we'll never speak of this again.

By the way, I've changed my 'comment' settings so that you have to do a little word verification thing to leave a comment. Sorry if this is a pain in the ass, but I keep getting these spam comments that I hate, so this should get rid of them.

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