Monday, March 19, 2007

Kevyn and I went to see a movie Saturday night. We both love movies and get out to see them very often. This one was 'I Think I Love My Wife', with Chris Rock. It was all about Lesbian Bed Death, without the lesbians - which I guess makes it more about Heterosexual Bed Death. And all in all, I say let them have the bed death. We don't want it.

But that really isn't what I wanted to write about. I am here to tell you about the power - nay, the grandeur that is Interpretive Dance.

What does this have to do with the movie? I'll tell you. As the closing credits were rolling and people were filing out of the theater, a piece of music came on which compelled my sweet girlfriend to begin dancing. It was subtle at first - some shoulder rolling, a little hip shaking. Then the arm movements began - at first beckoning, then shooing away, then wildly waving.

Then - there she went...down the aisle, towards the screen - gyrating and twisting and undulating rhythmically - thrusting her arms up in front of the screen, fingers spread wide open. Then she's facing me again, hip jutting out to one side, one leg bent and standing on her toe, the other out in front - her arms rigid, swinging in wide circles from her shoulders.

It was something to behold. Beautiful and yet, oddly funny. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that it was funny, yet oddly beautiful. Either way, it was one of the most entertaining things I've ever seen - far better overall than the movie.

I've decided that what I'm going to do is start renting her out for parties. If you're interested in livening up your next dinner party, shoot me an email and we'll set something up.


Anonymous said...

I'm anticipating a major response to this. I better start clearing my calendar.

Geek Dyke said...

Beautifully written. I wish more people would break out into dance when the feeling arrives.