Friday, September 10, 2010

Two days in a row!

Maybe it means something - maybe that I'll be posting more regularly!

But don't hold your breath. Really, it's just not good for you.

Well, sometimes it is. For example, I make it a policy to hold my breath any time I walk past someone who is carrying a lit cigarette, or who is coughing, or who just looks like they may stink. In those cases, not only do you have my permission to hold your breath, but I encourage you to do so.

I suppose it's time for one of those updates I post every couple of years or so. So let's see...where were we? Right. I was living in a college town in Indiana, I was in a great relationship with this hot chick who wanted to be called Kevyn in my blog, and I hated my job.

So where am I now? In a big-ass city in Indiana, still in a great relationship with Kevyn, and I still hate my job, but it's a different job and I don't hate it as much. Some days I don't hate it at all actually.

The move to the big city was prompted by the fact that not only had I been working there (and commuting from the college town), but Kevyn also ended up working there and hated the idea of commuting - so here we are. It's been an adjustment, but for the most part, we've enjoyed living here. We miss our friends back in the college town, but we try to see them as often as we can.

And speaking of kids (ok, I wasn't - but I was thinking about them which really should count. Seriously, who needs a segue?) Nate is starting what should be his senior year of college. Theater. My son is a thespian. He lives in the college town still (which will henceforth be known as C-Town) so I don't see as much of him as I'd like to. And really, that's typical too - he's always been a very busy guy and that hasn't changed. Hard-workin' kid.

Kevyn's kids are scattered hither and yon - her son lives in C-Town (graduated college last year) and her daughter is in school about 3000 miles from here. I realize I haven't written about them here before - but I will remedy that as soon as I think of fake names for them. You'll like them.

What else? Well, the economy. That's been pretty rough. Who doesn't know that though, right? I've been laid off twice in the past three years. I think I'm done with that now, at least I hope so. This job seems fairly stable and it's in a field I enjoy working in. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Oh - I almost forgot to mention that I lost 65 lbs about a year and a half ago. I don't look the same. It's been a while now, but I'm still not used to how I look in the mirror or in photographs. I'm pretty happy with this. Maybe next time I'll post about how that all came about. Maybe even...tomorrow?? Who knows. But like I mentioned before...don't hold your breath.

More soon.

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