Thursday, January 27, 2005

I am a regular visitor to -- a site I highly recommend. They have an advice column that I read regularly, written by a guy who's advice I sometimes think is spot-on, but other times I think he just enjoys hearing himself talk. Or seeing himself type. Whatever.

Today, in response to a letter from a 40ish guy who has realized that his life is not at all what he wants it to be, he wrote that the guy should make a list of things he wanted and things he would have to do to make those things happen, and the point he kept making was 'don't rule anything out'.

I'm just mulling on that right now. I think I'm going to continue to mull for a bit.

Don't rule anything out.

If you want to read the letter and response, here's the address: You'll probably have to watch a commercial to get to it, but they're usually brief.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you make almost anything happen if you want it enough. the human capability to make real magic in our own and others lives is unlimited.